The NDIS gives funding to eligible people based on their requirements. Every NDIS participant has a plan that entails their goals and funding. Participants use this funding to purchase support and services to help them meet their goals.
Everyone has different goals but could include things like getting and keeping a job, making friends or participating in a local community activity. NDIS participants can control the support they receive, when they receive it, and who provides it.
Types Of Supports Funded By The NDIS
The types of support that the NDIS may fund for participants contain:
- Assistance with self-care activities in Australia
- Therapeutic supports
- Assistance with household tasks
- Mobility equipment
- Vehicle modifications
- Home modification, design and construction assistance
- Transport to enable participation in the community, social, economic and daily life activities
- Workplace assistance to a participant to get or keep employment in the supported market
Supports Not Funded By The NDIS
The NDIS act and the rules created under the NDIS act also describe which supports will not be funded or provided by the NDIS.
The NDIS cannot fund support that is:
- The responsibility of another government system or community service
- Not relevant to a person’s disability
- Related to day-to-day living costs
- Likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others
In addition, you have the freedom to choose how to use funded supports in your plan. That includes choosing how the supports are given and which service providers you use. In some cases, the NDIA or others will manage the funding for support.
Those who are not eligible for the NDIS can still access community and government services. All people with disabilities, their families and carers can access information and other government services through the NDIS. For many people, this will be all the support they require.
NDIS aims to help maximise people with disabilities’ independence by working with the local mainstream government and community services that provide assistance with self-care activities in Australia. And as an active consumer, you must be able to shop for and access providers who meet your needs. Once we’ve considered your cases, we need to follow the rules determined under the law for the NDIS in our planning decisions. So it’s not saying wrong that NDIS funds support what is necessary for people with disabilities to live an independent life and live their dreams.