Assistance with Self-Care Activities & Daily Activity

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Assistance with Self-Care Activities & Daily Activity

This support is specific to the daily activities of a participant based on their personal needs to live with the daily impairment of their disability and work towards their goals.

The Core category covers support to assist a participant to live as independently as possible at home and in the community with supports such as

  1. daily personal activities, like activities related to personal hygiene; such as bathing and showering,
  2. assistance and supervision with dressing
  3. a carer to assist and supervise the regularity and daily structure of personal daily tasks
  4. mobility to get in and out of bed
  5. assistance with the household tasks; washing, changing the beds, cleaning
  6. assistance in shared living with family members or friends
  7. assistance with Respite Care-Short Term Accommodation and Assistance or Supported Independent Living
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