Assistance with Community Participation

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Assistance with Community Participation

Our Community Access and Support team helps people with disability aged 18-65 set and achieve their personal goals.

Support Category 4 (Assistance with Social and Community Participation) is a funded support category that can be found in your NDIS plan under Core Supports.

This support will help registered NDIS members achieve their goals of participating in the community, social, or recreational activities. These activities might take place in a center or in the neighborhood. Given the participant’s plan goals, all services funded under this item must be considered to be reasonable and essential. You might spend this money to hire a Disability Support Worker to accompany you to a music concert.

This funding also covers standard or higher intensity rates of support for activities that are either center-based or out in the community (e.g., attending a gardening group). The NDIS may fund a support worker under Assistance with Social and Community Participation to help you:

  • take advantage of personal development opportunities
  • join a social gathering
  • Visit your local library,
  • see a movie or a performance,
  • attend community activities,
  • join a sporting club for an outing or holiday.
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